San Jose: Identity Theft
Theft is stealing another's property without their consent. Identity theft entails stealing the personal information of another and using it for fraudulent purposes, generally for one's own personal advantage and gain. There were about one million Californians and eight to 11 million adults in the U.S. in 2010 who were victims of identity theft. The total cost of identity theft in 2010 is estimated at $37 billion. According to the California Office of Privacy Protection, identity thieves frequently use the stolen information to:
Identify theft crimes are punishable:
Because you can be charged for each count individually and be sentenced to consecutive years in prison, you may be facing a sentence of many years. If you have been charged with identity theft, you will need the services of a qualified San Jose criminal defense attorney with experience in identity theft crimes. You should know your options. Get a professional perspective. Call us today for a free consultation.