The PG & E Substation located at Metcalf Road in San Jose was damaged by bullets shot at the station on April 16, 2013. This station provides a significant service in the transmission lines of the Bay Area. Five bullets fired from unknown shooters pierced five transformers and this caused them to lose essential cooling oil. Police are still investigating and following up on all leads to try to obtain any information leading them to suspects in the case.
In the early morning hours of May 22, 2013, a little more than a month after the shooting incident, the security guard on duty at the PG & E Substation reported seeing a man dressed in black standing in a field adjacent to the property. According to the police officer that responded to the call, Deputy Kurtis Stenderup, the man fled when the security guard highlighted his presence with a flashlight. The security guard could not leave his post and said the man was not actually on property belonging to the Substation.
The eight deputies responding to the call spent hours searching the area for clues, but to no avail. The man in black spotted by the security guard was in the vicinity of Coyote Ranch Road and when he started to run from the light shone on him by the guard he headed in the direction of Monterey Road.
The Santa Clara Sherriff’s Department is on high alert because of the seriousness that damage to this substation can cause in the area. They are looking for any leads in the case and will follow up on each one they receive. They want people who have any information about the shooting or the presence of this man last night in the adjacent field to come forward. Even though this does not involve shooting at an inhabited dwelling, the lives of security guards on the site are in danger and the homes and business of the entire area could sustain damages.